SVR Primary E.M. School

About SVR Primary school:

SVR Primary school is an educational institution that brings out the best in every child by combining the best of both traditional and modern methodology. The environment ensures that the educational experience is holistic and that the child gets a perfect blend of ethics and new-age experiences that makes learning happen effortlessly!


“The Purpose of Education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise”
SVR Primary E.M. School creates a school community that encourages the development of mutual respect and tolerance within a happy, atmosphere. We seek to develop lively, enquiring minds; to prepare students for the challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities of life through a high standard of education. We encourage all students to reach the highest standards of personal achievement by recognizing and being constantly aware of the needs of each individual child according to ability and aptitude!


We passionately believe in educating the ‘whole child’ and champion an ‘I can’ culture to raise self-esteem, confidence, resilience, attainment, and achievement among our students. These are vital ingredients not just for successful school life but for lives lived in the wide community.


We offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced providing an educational experience of quality, which will develop the intellectual, expressive, physical, and social skills of students of all abilities. Creativity is at the heart of everything we do. We will ensure that we provide our students with the best opportunities for personal development and challenging learning goals creating real and tangible excitement about learning. We strive to offer equality of opportunity and recognize the importance of different cultures while ensuring we preserve the uniqueness of every child.


We believe this curriculum will encourage achievement, and resilience, develop caring and positive attitudes, and will extend the children’s knowledge of themselves and of the world in which they live. We intend that the students will achieve their full potential; preparing them for the challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities of adult life.

Emergent Curriculum:

Children learn through the richness of their surroundings and we can provide a sensory-rich environment for them to explore.

Multiple Languages of the Child:

Children know how to communicate and express themselves in different ways at different times and we can foster expression through various physical and verbal forms.

Project-Based Learning:

Children are curious about their environment and learn through hands-on projects and we, as co-constructors, can help facilitate projects based on their interests

Parent and Teacher Participation:

Children are naturally curious and we, as parents and teachers, can observe their interests and work together to guide them through the process of exploration.

We strive for excellence:

The educational journey of your child is of the utmost importance; it is vital that you should want to find out more about the opportunities and resources that are available for your child. As you explore this site, I hope that you will gain an understanding of the philosophy and values of our school.

Preschool age is marked by rich curiosity, independence, and burgeoning social awareness. Preschoolers will learn to work within a community, ask inquisitive questions, and practice skills that will prepare them for Pre-Kindergarten. While fine motor skills continue to refine, cognitively the preschooler is ready to be introduced to basic educational concepts. Socially, preschoolers continue to practice communication, impulse control, self-expression, and conflict resolution.
SVR Primary School believes that free time for exploration, coupled with guided instruction helps the preschooler prepare for Pre-Kindergarten and beyond.

Program Highlights:

Inviting child-friendly classroom
Toilet training and self-care
Teacher organized and spontaneous, child-lead activities and play
Books for group and independent exploration/reading readiness
Blocks and builders to encourage spacial reasoning and basic engineering concepts
Physical manipulatives and instruction for number sequencing and recognition
Science projects introducing the environment, our bodies, and outer space
Pre-writing skills practice
Outside play/physical activities, dramatic play, and art enrichment
Parent communication and developmental assessments

Road view of the S V R School
Inside the S V R school
practicing time for chess at School
practicing time for chess at School
